Monday, February 8, 2016
I believe that I am back!!!
When I started blogging a few years ago I had every intention on keeping up with my thoughts on blogger world. Then my life took on a whole new direction when my arms were filled with my three beautiful miracles. I am a busy mommy and wife who wears many hats and I'm loving it but I have missed my blog so much. It was such a big part of me. So therapeutic, such a sweet place to lay my thoughts out. Well I am back and will hopefully stay for a while. I'm not sure who is still following me but I'm here to love on ya and welcome new friends!
Have a blessed day♡
Friday, May 27, 2011
The Music of My Heart

As many of you know, I have always had a passion and some even say and ear for music. It represents so many experiences, emotions, memories, triumphs, all in one. It has always had a special place in my heart. I'd say from birth! My mom says that my first gift when I turned one was a plastic drum that I probably drove her crazy with hahaha! I then got a tambourine that I longed to have, next came a keyboard and last but not least a real organ that my parents got me! My cousin even let me have his old flute at one point. God used music to work in my heart and bring me back to him. He used music to soothe me when I faced some of my toughest trials. He always knows that music is the way to my heart. Now that He's opened my womb, it's no different. Right before conceiving Karina, I heard a very beautiful song for the first time called, "Un Viaje Largo" by Marcela Gandara.
I was totally in love with the lyrics and Marcela's soothing voice. But most important by the closeness I felt to the Lord when I would hear which sometimes meant three, four times a day:D Little did I know that the Lord was preparing the way and our hearts to receive one of the most beautiful news a person can received....that of a new life growing, a miracle so desired and dreamed of. Throughout Karina's pregnancy, the song kept coming up and of course I enjoyed it and sang my heart to it. I then realized that the song was so in tune with the journey it had taken us to Karina. It was meant to be Karina's song. It spoke of my feelings throughout my journey with infertility, it spoke of God's timing and purpose for Karina's life and of the mission He now had for our daughter. So "Un Viaje Largo" is Karina's song!
Well, once we learned of our second miracle, the one I joyfully carry in my womb I wondered if the Lord would give us a song. Honestly, it didn't take long to figure it out because the Lord pointed it right out to me. Like Karina, before I conceived I had heard this very beautiful song and completely fell head over heels for it. I even used it to minister to others who were hurting. Once again it spoke of the journey I had previously taken except this time it mentioned...silent prayers being heard. Does it surprise me that I happened to be fasting/praying the week we conceive? NO! The song also spoke of HOPE! That was the word the Lord had given me for this year. This song summarizes so much of what I felt, endured, went through as I faced infertility....a journey the Lord took me on and wouldn't change for the world. It was very clear to me that this was meant to be this baby's song! My heart rejoices as I see that the Lord gave me a love for music to communicate with me. It's our way of staying connected and I love it. We have a special relationship that's unique and one of a kind!
And now I introduce you to Elijah Israel's song:
~*~ What Faith Can Do ~*~
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
A Hope-filled Miracle!

Hello my dear friends/family! I finally make my way into bloggerland (with my deliciously smelly candle and some crunchy pistachios) and share a little more of my heart with you. If you read my last post, you noticed that I've spent quite some time on Facebook and have sadly neglected my wonderful blog:( Something alot of you can probably relate to.
I must make something very clear. Facebook is not the main reason why my time on blogger has been so poorly. You see I have a story to tell:D Those of you who have faithfully an lovingly followed me through the last couple of years remember that the Lord blessed my husband and I with a miracle baby, Karina Rocio. She is now 1 1/2 as beautiful as a ever, talking up a storm and recently started WALKING! She's full of life and has taught us so much about God's love and joy!

Story doesn't end there. As a matter of fact it's about to be repeated because the Lord has done it again! YES, we are expecting our 2nd miracle baby! Can you believe it? I went from not ovulating AT ALL to two babies in three yrs. GOD IS GOOD<3 For those of you who weren't aware, I dealt with infertility for three yrs. We did the meds, and AI and lots and lots of prayer all wrapped in patience. What worked you may ask? THE LORD'S POWER! Not the meds, nor the AI...nothing but the Lord!!! We know this for sure because we had taken a step of faith and discontinued everything surrendering it all to the Lord! He did it and did it again! I am due with this munchkin Oct. 3, 2011. So cool to have both spring and fall babies! I am currently 15 and 1 day! Mr. nausea seems to be a bit too comfortable and wants to linger around longer this time around something I'm not too crazy about...ok..not crazy at all about but I do know that it is a great sign so I will take it and fight it through like God's warrior! I must share the story behind this baby because like Karina's, it's pretty neat.
(a fair warning...a little lengthy but very good)
Karina was born in March 10' and everything was going smoothly. Mrs. you know what returned about 5 months later and we were fully aware that history could repeat itself through God's grace any time. We've always talked about the desire to have a big family so this was of great joy to us. The year went by and we had alot of peace because we knew that if God did it once He could most definitely do it again. I was not going to let the thought of suffering from secondary infertility hunt me even though it crept in a couple of times. I was determined to fully enjoy Karina and rejoice in the Lord's presence. January came around and we attended what has been one of the best sermons at church so far for me. Our pastor is huge on challenging his church and 2011 was going to be no different. He began the year sharing with us about fasting, what it's all about and challenged us to fast for an an entire wk as a church. He said he knew the Lord would move and was so ready to hear the stories of victory! I've been a Christian 23 yrs and can honestly say I had never truly fasted. I felt the Lord tugging at my heart to truly take the challenge. So I went on this spiritual journey with no expectations really. I wanted to allow the Lord to work His way in my life. The pastor told us that there are different types of fasting and that the Lord would reveal to us how He wanted each of us to fast. The Lord spoke to my heart and wanted me to pray every single morning for that week before I ate anything. I don't get to eat breakfast all the time so I was relieved to know I wouldn't have to starve lol. Well I went to work and prayed for different people/situations every day. Including my grandma's health, my brother's reconciliation to the Lord, our marriage and more children among other things. It was so healing to pray so fervently. I truly felt the Lord's presence and knew that if anything I would spend alot of time nurturing my relationship with the Lord! The pastor had also asked us to ask the Lord to give us a word. A word that we were to focus on the entire year...He gave me "hope". I prayed with hope, thought about hope, felt hopeful and tried to encouragement those around me to be hopeful in the Lord. The month of Jan cruised along, I celebrated my birthday and felt great. On Jan. 27 my hubby and I decided to go ut to a nice steakhouse to celebrate the fact that the Lord had blessed him that month allowing him to sell many cars! We happened to be at my mom's so brought her and my grandma along! We had a great time, it was a new restaurant to us, food was great and the laughter even better. I had a secret though....a secret no one but I knew...I was late 4 days! Now, I wasn't jumping for joy just yet because it had happened the month before only to find out that I was simply that...late. Throughout dinner I couldn't help but feel the intense battle in my head between "should I take a pregnancy test tonight vs let me just give it a couple more days and see what happens". No one knew this but me. Not even my husband. I honestly felt the Lord telling me to go for it. I felt the great urge in my heart even though there's always a slight fear of yet another (-). I stayed calmed, finished my meal and off we went. Right before we got to what would be the last Walgreen's on the main road to my parents' house (there's 3 on one road lol) I knew I had a decision to make and act quick. I immediately looked at my husband and asked him to please pull into the Walgreens so I can get....uummm....huh...eye makeup remover LOL. I must say I wasn't lying because I needed it, just happened to need it now lol. In I went and reality was hitting me with every step. As I waited in line to pay with my the pregnancy tests in my hand, my husband walks in. "Ahhhhhh what is he doing?" I thought. I tried so hard not to laugh and kindly told him to go away lol. Puzzled yet lovingly went back to the car. I was relieved! I knew that my very smart husband wasn't going to let me off the hook just like that so I ran to the Walgreens restroom (after paying of course) and yep...took the test right there LOL. My reaction: a mix of "try not to get too excited with you must proclaim it because the Lord can do the impossible" with alot of pacing and the answer taking what seemed forever. After what seemed like ten minutes I look down and there it was.....YES+...I couldn't believe what my eyes were witnessing. I took a deep breath, looked away, looked back down and there it was. WOW! I managed to get myself together as best as I could hoping the trembling wasn't so noticeable. My hubby wondering what had taking me so long to pay lol. Get this...he thought I was hiding a candy bar from him. Little did he know that I had something much more sweeter!!! We got home and my next big decision aka dilemma (I'm not good with quick decision making) was "Am I going to tell him now, just like this? No cute surprise?" I was honestly not prepared this time around. I had brainstormed a few ideas but was definitely caught off guard. This was a lil sour since with Karina I delivered the news to daddy-to-be in such a special, unique way. But guess what? I was now PREGNANT and any way of delivering that kind of news worked for me! So I just went for it...I showed him the positive test. He stumbled upon his words, had a very nervous yet happy laugh. It was actually very beautiful because he was holding Karina at the time and the three of us hugged as we took it all in. WOW...we were now going to be a family of 4! I truly believe that every child the Lord blesses us with is unique and will teach us different things. Karina taught me humility, fully trusting the Lord and what patience was all about. Baby #2 has already taught me so much including what is like to truly hope on the Lord and what fasting can do....nothing less than MIRACLES!!!! It was pretty neat because we longed for Karina for three long yrs and with baby #2 for the first time ever we experience what most couples experience....getting pregnant quick and so naturally! I loved it both ways because with both long or short waits the Lord manifested Himself in such a powerful way! Honestly, I thought I'd be getting pregnant this summer. Little did I know that God heard my pervant prayer about growing our family and He went right to work...that week literally. I must say that something very unique about this baby is that he/she is big on special dates. I believe we conceived on my birthday, our 1st Dr. visit was on my mom's birthday (the nest possible date would have been my grandfather's bday who passed two yrs ago, we got to see him/her for the very first time via ultrasound on Valentine's Day and Lord-willing we will find out the gender on Mother's Day<3 Neat huh?
Hope you enjoyed the story (sorry so long but had to be told). So I now sport a cute lil belly and am digging out the maternity clothes I put away not too long ago lol. I am still in shock to know we're going to do it again! We are ready, so ready! Karina is loving her little brother/sister already. She pulls my blouse up and kisses my belly! She's going to be the cutest big sister! They will only be 1 1/2 apart which I love so they'll be almost like twins:D
I God called me home tonight and you never heard from me again here on earth and if there's something I want you to cling to is that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD! Please, please, please BELIEVE IN MIRACLES! I have witnessed not two, many miracles in my life and my two children are proof of that.
Last but not least, stop by my baby gender poll (on the side) and leave me your thoughts!
A witness of a hoped-filled miracle<3
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Therapeudic I must say!
Oh Blogger, oh blogger oh how I have missed you! It's been so, so long since I've mastered to come by and share my heart the way I totally loved doing not that long ago (but seems like ages). Ever since my involunatry break from blogger, I've realized how therapedic it's for me. I've been told that many of you have enjoyed my posts and have even been blessed which I'm so grateful because for's the Lord working through me to bless you and for two you have faithful kept up with me:D But honestly I feel that blogging has benefited me the most because it's allow me to rejoice over my triumphs and blessings as well as humbly come before the Lord during my trials. Either way I'd laid on my heart on these posts which now it serves as a window. A window that I can see through as much as I need and see the Lord's hand all over my life.
I am going to make a major attempt to start blogging again! I've missed it, it was part of my "me" time...a time I truly and it's Therapeudic!!!! I hope you continue to follow me on this thing called "life". I also hope to once again follow your blogs and be immensely blessed the way I was..not too long ago!
God bless you my sweet blogger friends!
Susan is hopefully back!!!!!
I am going to make a major attempt to start blogging again! I've missed it, it was part of my "me" time...a time I truly and it's Therapeudic!!!! I hope you continue to follow me on this thing called "life". I also hope to once again follow your blogs and be immensely blessed the way I was..not too long ago!
God bless you my sweet blogger friends!
Susan is hopefully back!!!!!
Monday, January 3, 2011
May I Say That I Love This? I Know..It's My Nerdy Side!

New! Make your own word lists (Big Heart)
Now you can save your favorite words and share them.Get started Clickon any definition page to save words you like or need to learn
I found this new feature on a website I tend to visit from time to time and it totally made me smile. For many people...this is not a big deal, boring and even lame for for those of us (I know I'm not the only one) who are pretty much get a natural high from learning new words it's a work of art! Every time I run into a word I don't know the meaning of, I rush to look it up in the dictionary. I even doing while reading my Bible which is something so neat because it allows me to fully understand what the Lord is saying. Confession: I do have a small dictionary in the top drawer of my nightstand! Ready to be use at an arm's reach lol. I'm fascinated with learning...guess I take the phrase "you learn something new every day" at heart hahaha! Not sure if it has something to do with English being my second language and me wanting to become even better with it or that I simply enjoy learning! It has helped me with my poetry tremendously and when I write! Who doesn't like to throw in a big word once in a while;)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover
We've all heard the phrase huh? It's almost always if not always referred to a person and their true, inner character right? Well in my case, I am literally referring to a book but not just any book. I'm referring to the Bible, my precious Bible! I love how the Lord is constantly speaking to my heart and whispers sweet words in my ear even when I am not deserving of them. Which if we think about's always since we had a different destiny but Jesus changed that permanently! Well, after many failed attempts to read my Bible on a daily basis, I always notice something very neat. When I am reunited with my precious, faithful, loving friend my Bible, I always hear the Lord telling me to simply take a good look at it. You see, Satan is always trying to discourage us from reading God's Word because this would be a huge threat to him. Satan even tries to distract us right before opening the Bible....uggghhhh what an ugly creature:\ BUT the Lord is always ready to fight for us and I've seen this in my life. As I am reunited with my good ol friend, I am reminded that we've had a long lasting friendship, that WE HAVE spent many, many hours together, that our time together wasn't a waste of time, that my faithful friend waits to see me come around again even if it takes months, that it's eagerly waiting to bless my life with wisdom, joy, peace and love and that it fights hard to hang on to stay by my side even if it's falling apart. That's right....falling apart! This is what I mean by not judging a book by it's cover:
From the shelf, the coffee table, the back seat of my car and even at church it looks almost like a brand new Bible huh? (aise fromt he faded letters)

Yet you begin to open it and can't help but notice it's not what it seemed like. It's been USED! The writing, the notes, the scripture and the UNGLUED and even fallen pages. Many choose not to write in their Bibles but I have and still do. It works for me! I loved looking through my Bible today at church and realizing the miles it has. Even though it looks old, it's falling apart, it has ripped pages, it's beautiful to me because it's mine from the Lord. It has also stood by my side for many years, it has helped me survive many storms, it has absorbed many tears (both happy and sad), it has even made me smile through those tears and it has loved me just as I am! Oh how I love this old, weary book<3

It is beautiful to me, my gift from the Lord!!!
From the shelf, the coffee table, the back seat of my car and even at church it looks almost like a brand new Bible huh? (aise fromt he faded letters)
Yet you begin to open it and can't help but notice it's not what it seemed like. It's been USED! The writing, the notes, the scripture and the UNGLUED and even fallen pages. Many choose not to write in their Bibles but I have and still do. It works for me! I loved looking through my Bible today at church and realizing the miles it has. Even though it looks old, it's falling apart, it has ripped pages, it's beautiful to me because it's mine from the Lord. It has also stood by my side for many years, it has helped me survive many storms, it has absorbed many tears (both happy and sad), it has even made me smile through those tears and it has loved me just as I am! Oh how I love this old, weary book<3
It is beautiful to me, my gift from the Lord!!!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Just For Laughs: School

"Oh homework, oh homework
I hate you, you stink
If only a bomb
would explode you to bits
Oh homework, oh homework
I hate you, you stink"
Wow...not very nice huh? hahaha.
Believe it or not that is a poem I read duing the morning announcements at school when I was in 5th grade. Sounds like someone didn't like school huh? Pretty strange for a girl who loved school so much she went all the way as to graduate college. This doesn't make sense at all :}
We were televised for the entire school to see and it was my turn to read a poem. You see, we would take turns doing various jobs such as work the camera, say the weather ect. It was my class's turn and when it came my turn to read a poem....I chose this one? I remember this day as if it were yesterday. I was an A, B student loved school, was very diligent, took school matters very seriously, hardly missed a day, loved a great challenge otherwise known as test...except when it came to math..which is not my cup of tea but I can do it if I put my mind to it. Why oh why this poem??? lol. I can totally see my teacher Mr. T's face thinking, "oh no...not one of my best students. What is she thinking? What is she doing? After all the time I've invested on her? I hope the Principal's not watching. Uggghhh there goes my reputation and maybe even my job" hahaha! I ask myself from time to time..."why that poem?" I mean ya have to admit it is funny but not very loving and def not the best message. Specially coming from someone who loved school. The only thing I can think of is...I wanted to be cool hahaha! Honestly, it felt weird reading that poem but it got me out of my comfort zone that's for sure.
On that note...I was always into school. I loved a good challenge. Have never cheated on a test (even though my hubby cant believe it lol) because I wanted to prove to myself that I was very capable of passing my tests..all by myself. I loved learning and loved to shared what i learned. I see my hubby doing hw now and it gives me the urge to want a challenge lol. Manuel thinks I'm crazy but some of us are created with the passion for books. Ooooh boy...does this make me a nerd? I better look for another "cool" poem lol j/k. I loved the process of preparing for a test..I had a system pat down to helped me get straight A's. Unfortunately that system didn't come to me right away but when it did...I was on fire...Aced every single class from there on in college;D Let me tell you though that I don't get the credit...God gets ALL the glory because I did go through several trials where I could in college where I could have given up yet the Lord helped me stay focused and succeed! It's unbelievable that during one of the hardest times in my life including almost loosing my dad to cancer....the Lord lifted me up and helped me graduate college with Highest Honors 3.7 GPA as a Clinician Medical Assistant. Now THAT is God!!!!
So...there is it...btw...I do LOVE homework and if you want to know where I got this wonderful's from one of my fav books..."There's A Light In The Attic"
Below are a few pics of my special day:
Yeah!!!! What an accomplishment;D
It felt so good to share this important event in my life with wonderful friends....that row of beautiful women in my life!
with my beautiful husband who has been there through thick-n-thin and has always lovingly supported my dreams and aspirations. He was my #2 fan (God was my #1) and cheered me on! I love him soooooo much;D
With my amazing friends who were there for moral support and loved on me<3
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