Saturday, March 19, 2011

Therapeudic I must say!

Oh Blogger, oh blogger oh how I have missed you! It's been so, so long since I've mastered to come by and share my heart the way I totally loved doing not that long ago (but seems like ages). Ever since my involunatry break from blogger, I've realized how therapedic it's for me. I've been told that many of you have enjoyed my posts and have even been blessed which I'm so grateful because for's the Lord working through me to bless you and for two you have faithful kept up with me:D But honestly I feel that blogging has benefited me the most because it's allow me to rejoice over my triumphs and blessings as well as humbly come before the Lord during my trials. Either way I'd laid on my heart on these posts which now it serves as a window. A window that I can see through as much as I need and see the Lord's hand all over my life.

I am going to make a major attempt to start blogging again! I've missed it, it was part of my "me" time...a time I truly and it's Therapeudic!!!! I hope you continue to follow me on this thing called "life". I also hope to once again follow your blogs and be immensely blessed the way I was..not too long ago!

God bless you my sweet blogger friends!

Susan is hopefully back!!!!!


Kathryn said...

I hope so! I actually just checked the other day wondering if you had posted in awhile! :) Missed you!

Kristi said...

I know how hard it can be. I myself, haven't posted much in the last couple months. Sometimes life just gets so busy. I do my best to keep priorites where they need to be, so blogging got pushed aside. God has shown me so much in the last several months though, and I am SO grateful for that!

Miss you, and I pray things are going well! :o)