I was checking out my bloggy friend Katie's blog, who I'm very happy to say is expecting a baby as well and found this very neat idea...a quick and great way to keep you guys updated so I thought I'd join in the fun:D
Here we go:
How far along? 20 weeks and 4 days....almost 5 months!!!
Total weight gain: I've gained approx. 7 lbs in 20 weeks....not bad, gaining weight at a very steady pace which is what they recommend.
Maternity clothes? I no longer fit into my regular jeans, the rubber bands kept popping so I gave that up..besides I really wanted to get into maternity clothes!Maternity clothes is very comfy..not zippers or buttons! I've found very cute tops..just need something nice for a few events coming up including my sister's wedding reception and the holidays off course!
Sleep: I'm actually alot sleepier during my 2nd trimester. No problem sleeping in..I do it every time I get the chance! I get up to use the restroom once mainly around 2-3am and fall right back to sleep. I do wake up with alot of body ache but sounds like it's part of being pregnant which I don't mind at all. It's all worth it:D I did bring out the extra pillows to help alleviate some of the pain.
Best moment this week: Starting our baby girl's scrapbook! I am putting alot of love into it and am still in awe that I finally get to make one for a child of my own! Also, checking out the crib bedding set that my awesome mom is working on..she's staying up til 3am working on it at times...she's amazing! It's looking so beautiful!
Movement: A few weeks ago, I would feel a lil something but didn't want to get ahead of myself. Honestly, I still don't know if that was the baby? Lately though I have been feeling like if they inflate a balloon inside my abdomen which puts pressure..like an empty feeling with a little discomfort...I keep saying it must be her moving in her, making room for her growing little body! Has anyone felt this sensation while pregnant? They describe in so many ways....
Gender: In case you missed my post...IT'S A GIRL!!!! Karina Rocio<3
Labor Signs: Not that I know of.....don't expect or want them til full term..that is our desire!
Belly Button in or out? Well...my mom keeps telling me that it will pop out not too far down the road. It's still in but I have noticed that it's getting there...not as hollow as it used to be...it's amazing what happens during pregnancy.
What I miss: The only thing I can think of is sleeping on my back. I didn't really like it until I got pregnant lol. Since I can only sleep on my sides, it hurts so sleeping on my back sounds so good. I do use a pillow behind me to give me some comfort. Honestly though...pain can be a very good thing when you've waited so long for a baby! It constantly reminds me of God's indescribable power!!!
Weekly Wisdom: I'm realizing more and more each day that we truly need to draw closer to the Lord. We need Him more now than ever because we have a little person coming soon whom the Lord will entrust to us and we need raise in a godly home. We need to strive to be godly and be good examples for her to follow.
Milestones: Finding out that the baby in my tummy is a precious little girl! It has to be one of the best moments in my life! My precious grandma (abuelita) bought Karina a very cute carseat and my mom got her a very cute bassinet! The nursery room is also starting to happen!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Nursery Theme
Ever since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to be a mommy! I loved playing house, where I enjoyed being the "mommy" and carried my "baby" in such a gentle way. I even named my dolls making them as human as possible because I longed to be a mother in my heart already. I've dreamed about it, talked about, written my poetry inspired by it and now it's such a reality in my life. I'm gonna be a mommy! I constantly look in the mirror and admire my beautiful baby bump..something I envisioned having while daydreaming. Being such a detailed person, I also knew exactly what I wanted for my first baby girl's nursery room. Right before we got pregnant I knew theme, color pattern, accesories and all.
Theme I've chosen is: Butterfly
It's going to be a butterfly garden with a Victorian touch..so me hahaha!
My decision came easy because I love butterflies but this love grew during a trip to Costa Rica, my birth country) where there's a huge variety of butterflies and you can easily find butterfly sactuaries. We were taken to one where you could see their coccoons and all. It was beautiful! As I walked around I felt a little tingle on my finger. When I looked down this is what I saw:

It was an experience out of this world. I looked at it closer and noticed that somehting was missing, it had a permanent injury. See the broken wing? Everything became a blur and for a minute it was just me and that butterfly when all of a sudden I felt the Lord telling me:
"look at this beautiful butterfly, look at it closely. This butterfly represents who you are to Me. This butterfly is beautiful, yet not perfect, it's missing part of it's wing which makes it impossible for it to fly like the others. I want you to be just like that. You are beautiful yet you are not perfect. You're not flawed, I just made you imperfect so that you would always need to depend on Me. I want to sustain you, to nourish you, to help you survive. Don't do life on your own, lean on Me. I'll be here to hold you and you will be ok!"
It was incredible! It all happened in what seemed liek seconds and it made an impact on me for life:D Some people are a little skeptical about "God talking like this to people" but let me tell you...it happened to me and I wouldn't change it for the world! Ever isnce that day, butterflies have a very special meaning to me! Because not only are they beautiful but they also have a very special meaning:
The Butterfly Christian Symbol represents and symbolizes the Resurrection. The butterfly has three phases during its life:
The caterpillar - The caterpillar which just eats symbolises normal earthly life where people are preoccupied with taking care of their physical needs.
The chrysalis or cocoon - The chrysalis or cocoon resembles the tomb.
The butterfly - The butterfly represents the resurrection into a glorious new life free of material restrictions.
It is the only animal that is transformed 100% from one animal to another....the way we should be transformed into a new person when we surrender our lives to Christ and ask Him to be our Savior!
I want Karina to know about Salvation, about a Savior named Jesus Christ and that only through Him and in Him she'll find eternal life. I want her to know this already. I'm praying for her Salvation as I carried her in my womb. It's such a joy for me to know that her due date April 4 is on Easter Sunday! To be honest with you..seeing the way God has worked in my life...it doesn't surprise me at all. God works in mysteriously beautiful ways:D
Here's a sneak peek at what I've chosen for her nursery:

My mom has gracious offered to make all the crib bedding and she wants me to help her so I can learn but also so Karina will cherish it even more knowing that her grandma and her mom made this for her with lots of love!
Theme I've chosen is: Butterfly
It's going to be a butterfly garden with a Victorian touch..so me hahaha!
My decision came easy because I love butterflies but this love grew during a trip to Costa Rica, my birth country) where there's a huge variety of butterflies and you can easily find butterfly sactuaries. We were taken to one where you could see their coccoons and all. It was beautiful! As I walked around I felt a little tingle on my finger. When I looked down this is what I saw:

It was an experience out of this world. I looked at it closer and noticed that somehting was missing, it had a permanent injury. See the broken wing? Everything became a blur and for a minute it was just me and that butterfly when all of a sudden I felt the Lord telling me:
"look at this beautiful butterfly, look at it closely. This butterfly represents who you are to Me. This butterfly is beautiful, yet not perfect, it's missing part of it's wing which makes it impossible for it to fly like the others. I want you to be just like that. You are beautiful yet you are not perfect. You're not flawed, I just made you imperfect so that you would always need to depend on Me. I want to sustain you, to nourish you, to help you survive. Don't do life on your own, lean on Me. I'll be here to hold you and you will be ok!"
It was incredible! It all happened in what seemed liek seconds and it made an impact on me for life:D Some people are a little skeptical about "God talking like this to people" but let me tell you...it happened to me and I wouldn't change it for the world! Ever isnce that day, butterflies have a very special meaning to me! Because not only are they beautiful but they also have a very special meaning:
The Butterfly Christian Symbol represents and symbolizes the Resurrection. The butterfly has three phases during its life:
The caterpillar - The caterpillar which just eats symbolises normal earthly life where people are preoccupied with taking care of their physical needs.
The chrysalis or cocoon - The chrysalis or cocoon resembles the tomb.
The butterfly - The butterfly represents the resurrection into a glorious new life free of material restrictions.
It is the only animal that is transformed 100% from one animal to another....the way we should be transformed into a new person when we surrender our lives to Christ and ask Him to be our Savior!
I want Karina to know about Salvation, about a Savior named Jesus Christ and that only through Him and in Him she'll find eternal life. I want her to know this already. I'm praying for her Salvation as I carried her in my womb. It's such a joy for me to know that her due date April 4 is on Easter Sunday! To be honest with you..seeing the way God has worked in my life...it doesn't surprise me at all. God works in mysteriously beautiful ways:D
Here's a sneak peek at what I've chosen for her nursery:

My mom has gracious offered to make all the crib bedding and she wants me to help her so I can learn but also so Karina will cherish it even more knowing that her grandma and her mom made this for her with lots of love!
When I Say I'm A Christian

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting "I am saved"
I'm whispering "I was lost"
That is why I chose this way.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
And need someone to be my guide.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
And pray for strength to carry on.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
And cannot ever pay the debt.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are all too visible,
But God believes I'm worth it.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I can still feel pain
I have my share of heartaches
Which is why I call upon His name.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I do not wish to judge.
I have no authority.
I only know I'm loved."
Friday, November 6, 2009
And Now For The BIG News......
The day has arrived to finally share the great news with you guys!
Looks like most of you voted for a girl on the survey. In general, that was the main vote. I am so happy to finally be able to reveal the gender of our beautiful miracle baby! But first, let me share with you how we made this happen. Those of you who know me well, know that I like to think outside the box and be unique! So this time wasn't an exception....we really wanted to have fun and make it very memorable.
That afternoon, we got to my OB/GYN's and told the tech that we wanted to find out the sex of our baby but over dinner. So she old us to close our eyes. She put the picture of our baby revealing the sex and a piece of paper in an enveloped and sealed it. That night..we headed to Carrabas..an Italian restaurant that is very special for us because it's where we dined the day before Manuel proposed to me and where he told me he loved me for the first time! We had our dinner and quickly got to dessert. We then told the waitress our plan...she was to take the envelope to the back, read what was inside and bring out "the dessert". You see, we chose a dessert for a boy and one for a girl. She was thrilled to do this for us and wouldn't stop smiling:D A few minutes later..she makes her way to our table...our hearts were about to explode with excitement!By this time even the restaurant manager is on it and awaiting our reaction. She lays the covered tray on the table and takes the top off....WOW! This is defnitely going down as one of the best moments in history for us and we could totally do this all over again and again! We now knew who this little person was..it was incredible! I got teary, choked up and everything in between.
The next part of our plan was to reveal it to my parents. Off course this too had to be unique, memorable for all of us. So we headed to a Baskin Robins and purchased a cake...a rainbow cake so they would have to work a lil harder hahaha! We told them to write our baby's name on it with yellow frosting. While we waited..we called our family in San Diego to tell them the great news! We got to my parents where most of my family was anxiously waiting and revealed the news to them! It was so awesome to do this for them! You coudl see the joy in their faces. Let me tell you though...my mom was the cutest because all along she was outnumbered...and when she foudn out she was right..she kept jumping up and down sayin.."I told you, I told you..I knew it would be a...." Too cute! So let me safe you from the suspense and with great joy share with you what our miracle baby is:
We are having a.............

Our beautiful Karina Rocio<3
which means "pure heavenly dew drops
she will be named Rocio after my husband's sister who passed at a very young age
So that's how it all happened and this is what it all looks like on camera:

(before we foudn out...the suspense was killing us hahaha)

(my hubby wanted to get my reaction...I had the nervous, excited giggles)

(We were so thrilled)

(One very happy mama)

(this was our wonderful waitress...she was the sweetest and thanked us for making her part of this special event)

(the proud daddy-to-be)

(this was the "girl" dessert..colorful)

(this would have been the "boy" dessert which we have to go back and try)

(Manuel raising the cake so no one would peek)

(Gradmas give the best hugs)

(Our baby's first cake)

(My mom knew it was a girl all along and kept starring at the cake)

(We couldn't stop smiling)

(Here is our baby girl's latest picture...she's kinda looking like her daddy<3)
Looks like most of you voted for a girl on the survey. In general, that was the main vote. I am so happy to finally be able to reveal the gender of our beautiful miracle baby! But first, let me share with you how we made this happen. Those of you who know me well, know that I like to think outside the box and be unique! So this time wasn't an exception....we really wanted to have fun and make it very memorable.
That afternoon, we got to my OB/GYN's and told the tech that we wanted to find out the sex of our baby but over dinner. So she old us to close our eyes. She put the picture of our baby revealing the sex and a piece of paper in an enveloped and sealed it. That night..we headed to Carrabas..an Italian restaurant that is very special for us because it's where we dined the day before Manuel proposed to me and where he told me he loved me for the first time! We had our dinner and quickly got to dessert. We then told the waitress our plan...she was to take the envelope to the back, read what was inside and bring out "the dessert". You see, we chose a dessert for a boy and one for a girl. She was thrilled to do this for us and wouldn't stop smiling:D A few minutes later..she makes her way to our table...our hearts were about to explode with excitement!By this time even the restaurant manager is on it and awaiting our reaction. She lays the covered tray on the table and takes the top off....WOW! This is defnitely going down as one of the best moments in history for us and we could totally do this all over again and again! We now knew who this little person was..it was incredible! I got teary, choked up and everything in between.
The next part of our plan was to reveal it to my parents. Off course this too had to be unique, memorable for all of us. So we headed to a Baskin Robins and purchased a cake...a rainbow cake so they would have to work a lil harder hahaha! We told them to write our baby's name on it with yellow frosting. While we waited..we called our family in San Diego to tell them the great news! We got to my parents where most of my family was anxiously waiting and revealed the news to them! It was so awesome to do this for them! You coudl see the joy in their faces. Let me tell you though...my mom was the cutest because all along she was outnumbered...and when she foudn out she was right..she kept jumping up and down sayin.."I told you, I told you..I knew it would be a...." Too cute! So let me safe you from the suspense and with great joy share with you what our miracle baby is:
We are having a.............

Our beautiful Karina Rocio<3
which means "pure heavenly dew drops
she will be named Rocio after my husband's sister who passed at a very young age
So that's how it all happened and this is what it all looks like on camera:
(before we foudn out...the suspense was killing us hahaha)
(my hubby wanted to get my reaction...I had the nervous, excited giggles)
(We were so thrilled)
(One very happy mama)
(this was our wonderful waitress...she was the sweetest and thanked us for making her part of this special event)
(the proud daddy-to-be)
(this was the "girl" dessert..colorful)
(this would have been the "boy" dessert which we have to go back and try)
(Manuel raising the cake so no one would peek)
(Gradmas give the best hugs)
(Our baby's first cake)
(My mom knew it was a girl all along and kept starring at the cake)
(We couldn't stop smiling)
(Here is our baby girl's latest picture...she's kinda looking like her daddy<3)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Months 3 and 4 and Going On Strong!

Like I've metioned, the Lord has blessed us with a neat trip every time we turn a month! On our third month we were able to go camping with our couples group from church to beautiful Bass Lake...about 40 minutes from our house in Fresno, CA. We had a blessed time of fellowship and good food! It was also a busy month for us because we started the packing to move to Florida and make all kinds of arrangements. Everything worked out and God provided. Here are a few pics of that trip and my belly shot for the month 3:

Our 4th month also brought along a trip except this trip would be permanent. We were all set to finally make the move to Orlando, Florida....the 4 of us were to embark on a brand new journey...my husband, myself, our baby and the Lord!!! We asked Him to pack His bags and come along...can't live without Him!!! Getting reeady to move was bitter-sweet. We were so excited to be close to family but leaving our good friends, our beautiful house, fmaily in San Diego and amazing church was hard. We were also given an amazing babyshower by one of my best friends!She also treated me to a manucure! Boy did we feel special<3 Here are a few pics of that special day and my 4th belly shot:
(aren't these the cutest set of rubber duckies? It's a soldier and his princess...us! Thanx Cheryl..these are going on top of our next babyshower's cake)
(with my beautiful, delicious cake...it has chocolate covered strawberries and truffles..yum!)
(so blessed to have had all these wonderful people at our babyshower and in our lives)
(our baby's very first ornament from Tia Veronica! Sis..you also got us our very first ornament as a married couple remember?)
(we loved this onesie that my Sis-in-law Veronica got us...so true)
(This baby carriage was put together by our wonderful cousin Jackie n her hubby..isn't it one of the neatest things ever?)
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