And now..for the birth story which some of you have requested I share:D
As most of you know, she was due to be born April 4th something we thought was oh so cool since it was Easter Sunday! What a perfect day to welcome our lil girl. Now daddy loved the thought yet deep down he wanted her to be born on April 1...yep...he's definitely my Goofy! He wanted an April Fools baby hahaha! Ever since my 2nd trimester I had been feeling the famous Braxton Hicks....pretty manageable.
* Monday March 22 though I started feeling stronger pain, nothing too crazy but more like medium menstrual cramping in my pelvic area and dull lower backache that wouldn't go away. I didn't think too much about it and felt that since I was already on week 38 it was just my body slowly getting ready for the big event.
* Tuesday...pain got a lil stronger but still nothing crazy, I cleaned, cooked, had a very normal day around here.
* Wednesday - I had my weekly doctor appointment. I was so excited cause my mom would join us this time. We even had my dad and my nephew Isaiah come out to cheer for us. I looked at my mom in the waiting room and told her that with all the discomfort I felt...I must have dilated about 2 cm. We were so excited to find out! We go in, doc checks me and says..."No dilation, cervix is hard". Huh? I asked him if the baby was in the pelvic bone yet...he told us that she was lower but not there yet. Honestly, I was a lil sad because I wanted to be a little closer to meeting her but I had told my Lord that He would be the one to dictate when Karina would make her entrance and I regained my joy and smiled again! I was glad to know that everything was going great! That day, my sister and brother-in-law needed my husband's help since they were moving so we went over to lend a hand. Well, I went more for moral support;D I actually helped watch my nephew while they moved the furniture/loaded the truck. I realized that I was even more uncomfortable by that evening. My back pain had gotten stronger and my pelvic pain was a lil more intensed but I nothing to rush to the hospital for. I noticed I felt exhausted and told my hubby that I wanted to call it a night. I got some much needed rest that night!
*Thursday - Was a very typical day around here...hubby took off to work, I cleaned, cooked, got some scrap booking done (the page where I would put her birth details) and looked forward for my husband to come home so we could enjoy another episode of our fav shows. The entire day I had felt a lil more and more pain but I remained calmed. At one point though for peace of mind I called the Douala that we know and described the pain. She simply told me to relax and that the pain were just my pelvic ligaments stretching preparing for what was to come. Having heard my doc's and the Douala's diagnosis, I figured it was nothing to rush to the hospital for. We watched out shows...which I have to mention one of them was The Office so I was cracking up even through the pain hahaha! Once were ready for a husband noticed I was in stronger pain and decided he would time it. He realized the pain was coming on closer and closer. I told him laughing and in the middle of pain, "I don't know if we're timing Braxton Hick or real contractions but at least we're getting practice" hahaha! We took a shower which gave me some relieve but not enough to take away the pain. My husband was amazed at how calmed I remained....I even amazed myself! I learned in our birthing class to remain calm, focused and to breath through the pain and it helped so much. Most important though we had the Lord watching over!
After the shower, we laid on the bed and my husband noticed I was still in pain so he offered to take me to the hospital. I thought about it for a bit cause I had a feeling they would only send us home and thought that maybe we could give it some time but I then decided it was best for me to go. We took off at bout 1:30is AM on a rainy morning. We took our time to get to the hospital, we loved that fact that it was raining and enjoyed some delicious combos! We even had a great conversation going and keep bringing up the fact that we'd be sent home for sure. We got to triage and I was in pain but seemed really calm. The nurse that checked me in assumed I wasn't in labor due to the fact that I seemed so at ease. Little did she know that she was completely wrong hahaha....YES....they took me back and checked me. The nurse that checked me was like..."yes, you're 5 CM, CERVIX IS SOFT, YOU'RE IN LABOR SO YOU'RE STAYING" I felt my blood pressure drop and started shaking out of nervous/shock hahaha! My husband was whiter than white and in shock. I thought he was going to pass out lol. We couldn't believe it..we seriously thought we were going to get sent home. It took us quite some time to process it all. Within minutes I was being wheeled into my labor room....ahhh it still gives me the chills. It all happened so quick. Good thing we had taken our bags and car seat with us! I called my mom at 2:30am and told her I was in labor. She thought I was if I was that cruel to wake her up at 2:30am and joke about being in labor hahaha! That would be cruel huh? She got off the phone and was by my side within minutes! I had already decided not to use an epidural or pitocin (during labor) and made that known in my birthing plan. The anesthesiologist came in and due to protocol had me sign papers anyway. I told him I have a lil scoliosis so he checked me and told me that I wasn't a good candidate for an epidural because my scoliosis would most likely come with a twisted spine and there was a risk they would miss the spot and shoot the meds int he wrong place. I was a lil shock to hear this but didn't matter cause I was determined not to use meds. From 5cm to about 7cm I felt pretty good, got a popsicle, took pics, talked to my hubby and mom, and even got on the birthing ball. Then 8cm came around and yes...I felt that pain. I kept my breathing technique until I got really exhausted and got put on oxygen which helped alot then it was too much oxygen making me hyperventilate which made me vomit really bad TWICE. Try being in the middle of a contraction while vomiting...I thought I was falling apart hahaha! I still did my best to stay focused, as calm as I possibly could and but pain is pain and this baby was ready to meet us. The pain way more intensed and I was very close to 9cm. I couldn't even open my eyes from the pain so I decided to fix my eyes on the Lord literally. I had a beautiful of my Lord looking at me giving me strength while angels held me up. It was so beautiful! That's what I focused on! I had the nurse and my husband telling me I could do it...but I blocked out the nurse's voice and only heard my husband's sweet voice which gave me alot of peace and strength! I loved it! The pain got so intensed that the nurse offered me an epidural. My mom and my husband were about to say no because they saw that I was out of it and were concerned with my twisted spine. I thought about it some and said yes. I won't lie...part of me felt defeated because I wanted to be strong and go all the way...what's one more cm but then again I didn't know how long it was going to take me to get there and felt that I needed to think realistically and humbly. Once they gave me the meds...I was once again relieved. The pain slowly faded and I regained my strength to the point where I was laughing again. Some where amazed that I was on Facebook while in labor with 9cm? This is when that occurred...hahaha! Don't get me wrong....I still do believe that it is best to go without meds and deep down I believe it's very possible to do. It just wasn't possible for me to do this time around. I feel ok with that though because had I not gone through with it..I would have endured much more pain. You see....the baby cut me pretty bad giving me vertical lacerations on both inner labia...they described it as "shredded" ouch. God was in control the entire time and I felt that everything went according to His will!
Karina was born on March 26, 2010 (9 days early) at 12:06 (lunch time and she loves to eat) weighed 5 lbs 14 oz (lil gal) and measured 19 inches. My hubby wasn't able to cut the cord because she had some of the cord wrapped around part of her neck. We also decided to donate the cord blood....what a gift of life that is!!! When they placed her on me..the first thing I grabbed was her tiny arm and I was in love. Daddy got teary! So did I:D We all admired the amount of hair she had and how beautiful she was! We were overwhelmed with joy....our beautiful daughter, our miracle baby was finally here!!! I get teary every time I relieve that moment in my mind and prob always will for as long as I live! It was amazing:D I got to try breastfeeding about an hour later and realized that it would take practice and determination but I was willing to make it happen. Her mouth is so little and that it takes her a lil longer to latch on but this would be and had been a great opportunity for God to show us that perseverance goes a long way! She was borned with a little bit of jaundice, other than that she was perfect. I never thought I'd have a little baby...the doc guesstimated 6 1/2 lbs but I loved it cause she fit in my short arms just right! She is a bundle of joy! My family came to meet her that afternoon and two days later, my hubby's came driving all the way from California to meet her. She was surrounded by so much love. Our families have been more than blessings! We thank Gof for their servant hearts..they've been over to cook, clean and love on us! Our first night at the hospital went pretty well..I'm amazed at how quickly we've caught on! I was in alot of pain though due to the lacerations. Painful burning..the tolilet quickly became my worst enemy. I am slowly starting to warm up to it as I recover hahaha! It's been two weeks and it's been a long road to recovery...percocet (heavy narcotic), lots of bleeding, warm baths, lidocaine, tucks, epifoam, ibuprofen, sulfa cream, ice packs, rest and lots and lots of prayer. I'm feeling alot better now praise God! Regardless of what I've endured as I recover....she's worth it all. I would do it again if I had to..she means that much to me. My love for her grows each time I see her! She's been with us for two weeks and it feels as if she's always been here! We are truly looking forward to experiencng life with her! I want to teach her so much, to show her the world and all it's blessings! Most important though, I want her to see Christ in me and I pray that she knows Him as her Savior one day! I want her to love, serve and honor our Lord because this will bring many blessings to her life and she will then live victoriously!
Thank YOU God for blessing us with this precious gift!!!!!
AND NOW....for some fun pics of our journey in labor....
My mom was right by my side and it gave me alot of comfort..we never stop needing our moms!
My sweet husband never left my side. I can still hear his voice telling me "you can do it, I'm proud of you" while I was in labor!
I wanted to have my grandparents by my side as well. They were part of every important moment in my life and this was not an exception! It was super important that I had my grandfather's pic with me since he passed away last year. He still makes me smile!
I was so hungry...all I had were dinner so this popsicle tasted like heaven!
So glad my mom caught this very special moment on camera...what an awesome picture..what a great memory! It makes me teary:D
She is a tiny gal..petite like her least for now!
I was on cloud 9 with our precious gift...I was officially a MOM!!!
Such a wonderful peaceful! Than YOU my God!!!
Daddy was loving it! I will never forget the way he said her name when their eyes met for the first time as she came out. It was something I envisioned for so long!
We are now a family of 3..PRAISE GOD!!!!
Congratulations to you and your husband...what a joy and a blessing she will be to you both! Precious story and pictures!!
Once again...congratulations!
Okay, I am crying my eyes out! I just keep thinking of how it seemes like yesterday that I first found your blog, and you were wanting so badly to be a mother. Then after knowing you a little better...the wonderful news of your pregnancy that brought me to tears...and now baby is here! God is so good and I'm so glad I got to witness this miracle that he's done in your life...from when you were longing, to now that you don't have to! Amen!
Don't worry about the meds...I didn't want them either, but after 8 hours of horrible labor with my first son, I had to have one, for the baby's health, and I never regreted it. I've had 3 epidurals and my last delivery was completely med free. If I were to ever have another, I would take the epidural in a hearbeat. It was much better for me and baby. My last delivery was awful for me and was dangerous for her. Her heartrate kept dropping because I couldn't breath enough during contractions because of how bad the pain was. She was sideways the whole way, and it was sooooo painful! Like you said, it's all in the Lord's hands, and He saw to it, that you got what you needed!
Praise God for your beautiful family of 3!
I'm so sorry I missed this! What a good birth story :) I loved hearing all the details...!!! Way to go to even getting to 9cm with no meds, you are amazing!
So happy for you!
She is beautiful. I was thinking of my labor and delivery stories after reading yours, they are ones you will remember forever. And this story will be one closeest to your heart!
CONGRATULATIONS and welcome to the world Princess. Your life will never be the same again. So happy for you. xoxoxo
Wow that was alot of details and pictures and family and love! I'm so glad she's here and with you guys! I'm so glad you've chosen to share the experience with us! And most of all I'm so glad you wrote it all down so one day you can share it with her how much she is loved by God! I'm soo glad to "know" you as a sister in Christ! Congratulations!
Congrats to you both! She is a beautiful baby girl. I'm glad that all is well with you and your family.
Congrats to you both, she is beautiful, and perfect. Congrats mommy.
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