I looked it up on dictionary.com (here I go again rushing to a dictionary..except it's online now lol) and this is what it says:
praise, support, boost, lift, endorsement.
Encourage = to inspire with courage, spirit, or confidence
Many times when I've felt a lil blue, I've asked the Lord for encouragement. He always finds a way to send it to me through His Word,my husband, my family, a friend, a picture, nature, a song, a letter, Facebook, an email, a text...some how He always rescues me and lifts my spirit up! The other day I was cooking and felt a lil overwhelmed mainly because I know I am doing my best to be a good daughter of the Lord, wife, a good mommy, a good daughter, a good sister, a good friend...but have kinda forgotten about myself. I think alot of moms can relate to me. I always knew that I never wanted to let myself go and that doing the things I love such as read, scrapbook, watch good movie, spend time with family and friends bring me joy but somehow I was beginning to feel as if there was a littler less of "me" each day. Satan always finds a way huh? BUT does He succeed? Well let me tell you that God quickly rushed in like He always has and ENCOURAGED ME.
I was in the kitchen making dinner for us. My husband asks me to bring him the sour cream so I decide to open the brand new sour cream for him and voila....check out what I see:
The sour cream my friend....yes the sour cream had this just for me. I wonder if God was hungry at the time lol. Incredible..who would have thought and in bright colors...He wanted to make sure I didn't miss it. But that's not all folks. After dinner I go back in the kitchen to get a paper towel to wipe the table and yet another message from the Lord.
(the second one is kinda blurry but it says: "there's a whole lot to be thankful for if you take the time to look")
He knew I would check out the butterflies! And they say there's no God:( He even knows what we're passionate about....I love butterflies! I am in awe my friends. The Lord is simply incredible and His love for us is real, genuine and everlasting. I am willing to say that He hurts when we hurt because I know He smiles when we smile! My goal is to make Him smile every day!
I want you to know that the Lord encourages us everyday in so many different ways...that is..if you're willing to look!
Sing for joy, O heavens, and be joyful, O earth, and break forth into singing, O mountains! For the Lord has comforted His people and will have compassion upon His afflicted. Isaiah 49: 13
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.] Matthew 11: 28
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God Bless You ~Ron
Sis, what a great post! What a wonderful reminder to see that God is in the littlest of things. I love that you always have your eyes peeled open to see what HE has before you. You are a great example.
I love you,
Veronica SIS
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