Whats a fact about the last person you liked?
Last? I like alot of people but I guess I'll choose my husband....he started his 3rd semester in college and one of his classes is speech...yikes..he's good at it though
Who was the last person you gave up on?
I tend to expect lots from myself so i was prob ready to give up on myself but thank tha Lord for believing in me like only He can
What did you do last night?
watched one of our fav shows America's Got Talent while we ate juice bars
Do you think relationships are even worth it?
I don't think..I know they are...the Lord's relationship with us is an amazing example!
If you could pack up and move would you?
uummm having lived in 3 states in the past 6 yrs i learned thatt i enjoyed traveling a lot but if we were to move i'd have to convince my family to come along lol
When was the last time you laughed really hard? a few minutes ago as i did the "1, 2, 3 up, up, up" with Karina and instead of sitting up she stood up lol
What are you excited for?
Heaven! Also, birthdays, weddings, trip to CA, visits from my sister and grandma, our 6th anniversary, banquet through my hubby's job, Karina's 1st birthday and the holidays!
Has anyone told you lately that they would always be there for you?
Yes...my GOD! He says it to me especially when i'm feeling blue
What do you want right now?
My grandfather but I know he's in a better place, a cricut, Coldstone creamery yum, would love to go to Europe!
Are your parents divorced?
NO! I am def blessed in that department..my parents will be celebrating 25 yrs next May!
Would you ever get a tattoo?
No..I respect others' point of view but I believe we are not to mark our body and it's something I read in the Bible
What's your mood right now?
Im calm, comtenplative, grateful
Did you enjoy your weekend?
yes..church, great lunch date, relaxed at home
Are you stubborn?
hummm some times...very few times lol..God disciplines me though
Are you listening to music right now?
no but i normallly am
Who else is in the room with you?
my daughter Karina who fell asleep on my lap
In winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies?
Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Italy? Costa Rica?!?!
How long can you go without your mobile phone?
ahhhhh not too long..i know we become so dependant on technology...i had to pray about this the other day
Do you know anyone named Dan?
yep...my brother Dani
Have you had the chicken pox?
never...i hope to never get it especially now as an adult..i had the mumps though not fun
Are you a forgiving person?
I try to be it's easier to forgive than to forget but the Lord helps me with this
Are you younger than 21?
No but i sure do feel young at heart
Do you like winter?
love it
Do you like the color green?
love it...it's my other fav color
Last time you received flowers?
when i had Karina this past march..my mami brught me beatiful pink roses
Is it possible that you could be pregnant right now?
wow..that would be something...it's def up to God!
Does anyone have a lock of your hair?
i have a lock of my hair from when i was 1 that my mom cut...it's in my baby book
If you had to go without one food group for the rest of your life, which would it be?
When you go to the zoo, what are you most excited about seeing?
penguins, parrots, girafes, butterflies
What makes you happy?
My God, waking up every morning next to my husband, when my baby girl smiles at me as soon as she sees me in the morning, reading my Bible, music, scrapbooking
******* Now it's YOUR turn...becaues it's neat getting to know YOU! ********